
WordPress Vs. Blogger : A Comparison Of Article No One Gave You Before

6 Mins read

When one wants to start blogging, there are two popular platforms―Wordpress and Blogger. In this article, we look at the features and differences between these two and choose if you are new to blogging. Many people have taken to blogging in a big way these days. Each one of them has a different reason to start with a blog. For some, it can have to do with the marketing of products or for other professional reasons. For others, it can be about sharing their ideas and views. Whatever the reason, when one decides to create a blog, the most confusing thing they face is the platform to blog. WordPress and Blogger are two popular platforms that provide various features to people who want to start a blog. But which of these two is better? Let’s take a look.

WordPress Versus Blogger


Though we keep mentioning WordPress and Blogger, other options are available, but these are the largest blogging platforms today. People may not necessarily own a blog but have heard about these two sites. Hence, using these hosting sites can draw traffic to the blogs. Here’s a comparison between these two giants in the field of blogging.

Starting a Blog

When you are a newbie to the blogging world and starting a blog, you will easily set up your blog and account on Blogger. You may not take more than 15 to 20 minutes to set up the blog, and you can start posting posts immediately. If you want to make your blog look different, you can use numerous templates available for free. On the other hand, starting with WordPress can cause a headache if you are an absolute newbie and do not know what you are doing. The problem increases manifold if you are going to make a hosting site.


Customization and Usage

If you look forward to having categories for your blog and want to make it look like a magazine, then you will be disappointed with the Blogger, as it cannot be done. However, it is not the same with WordPress. You can add categories to your blog, and you will also be able to display each of the categories differently on the main page itself. As a matter of fact, with the right plug-ins, you will also make a magazine-like portal with your blog. With Blogger, you can add different tools to increase interaction on your site. There are also pretty themes and nifty little devices, which you can add to the core template. With WordPress, you can also get themes, additional plug-ins, and advanced tools, which will help you extend your blog beyond a blogging platform. It can also be considered a user-friendly Content Management System (CMS).


Most people using Blogger have had some experience publishing posts if they revamp the entire blog. WordPress wins, hands down, for these criteria, as publishing is much more comfortable with WordPress. But you may not opine the same if you have different features up there on your blog.

Copyright Issue

This is another important point in the debate. With WordPress, you are the owner of your domain name, as well as the content of the blog. You have the liberty of blogging on topics closer to your heart and everything under the sky. But do not forget WordPress itself owns the database. On the other hand, you may not be able to exercise the same liberty with Blogger. Neither are you the owner of your content nor your domain name. Blogger owners are the owners of the content, and they also have the liberty to shut down your blog without any warning.

Traffic and Search Engine Optimization

Regarding traffic and Search Engine Optimization (SEO), there is no difference between them. Traffic certainly depends on the content of the blog. False propaganda is being made about favoritism towards bloggers, which is entirely wrong. The difference can be made about the number of sites; you can ping from Blogger and WordPress. There is a limitation to the number of places you can ping from Blogger, whereas there is no such restriction on WordPress.

Where Would You Make More Money

If you want to start your blog, a commercial blog, to be more precise, it makes more sense to start with Blogger. This can be attributed to the same company owning the money-making aspect and Blogger. Creating a blog with WordPress can be a little tricky, and you will have to know how to promote your blog.

Benefits of using WordPress for your website

The world is maneuvering more towards technology. Businesses not coping with the increasing digitalization will lag behind other organizations. Remaining consistent with technology has become a necessity for all companies. When it comes to the Internet, it has been highly influential. Businesses have been using the Internet as a medium to increase their visibility, and we know how significant online presence is in this digital era. This is where having your website can prove to be beneficial. WordPress can be used to design your very own website. It is a popular blogging platform and content management system. It has been around since 2003, and multitudes of websites have used WordPress. The reason behind its massive popularity and recognition is the benefits it offers. Here are some of the advantages provided by WordPress designer

Easy to use

When creating your website, beginners might consider it a technical and complicated job. WordPress has made the job extremely easy. With a user-friendly interface, WordPress can be utilized by anyone with no difficulties. It is even simple to update. Now anyone in your company can update the website using this platform. You can add new posts, blog images, and other content in a blink of an eye.


Cost is something that every company would consider before building their website. WordPress can prove to be very cost-effective. Gone are the days when creating a website would cost you immense money. WordPress web designing and development can save you tons of money. Even the maintenance cost is relatively cheaper.

Great for search engine optimization

WordPress will enhance the experience of the user and is an amazing platform. Additionally, WordPress is SEO-friendly. WordPress websites are attractive to search engines. WordPress’s code is obvious and simple, making it the search engines easier to track the website. Each post can have its meta description and be optimized for relevant keywords maximizing search engine optimization precision. Tags can also be used to stimulate SEO efforts.

Customizable design

The design of your website will help you to attract more visitors. Having a creative and innovative design will allow you to generate more traffic. Having a good plan is essential. A strategy that complements your business objectives will be more beneficial. When it comes to WordPress, your website’s look can be customized completely whenever you want to. This will give your visitors a new experience each time they visit your website. You can even adjust the design of your website according to your aims and objectives.

Increase site protection

Online security comes first. Having a good WordPress web designer and developer will strengthen the security of your website. You can make it hack-proof with such a platform. Compromising your online security is exposing yourself to hundreds of risks. WordPress will ensure maximum protection.

Instant Articles for WP

This plugin supports Instant Articles for Facebook, a new way for publishers to distribute fast, interactive stories on Facebook. Instant Articles are preloaded in the Facebook mobile app, which load instantly. With the plugin active, a new menu will be available to connect to your Facebook Page and start publishing your Instant Articles. You’ll also see the status of each Instant Articles submission on the edit page of your posts.

The best effort is to generate valid Instant Article markup from your posts’ content/metadata and publish it to Facebook. The plugin knows how to transform your posts’ markup from a set of rules, forming a mapping between elements in your source markup and the valid Instant Article components. We refer to this “glue” between the two as the Transformer Rules.

Many built into the plugin aim to cover standard WordPress installations. Suppose your WordPress content contains elements not covered by the built-in ruleset. In that case, you can define your own additional rules to extend or override the defaults in the Settings of this plugin under Plugin Configuration > Publishing Settings > Custom transformer rules.

Feed submission to Facebook

Facebook has a review process where they verify that all Instant Articles are properly formatted, have content consistency with their mobile web counterparts, and adhere to their community standards and content policies. You cannot publish Instant Articles on Facebook until your feed has been approved. It’s important to note that if you use meta fields to add extra text, images, or videos to your Posts, Facebook will expect you to add these to your Instant Articles output too. This plugin includes hooks to help you do that.

Social Articles

With social Articles, you can create posts, attach the featured image, set categories and tags, and more! Everything from your BuddyPress profile. It supports all BuddyPress themes, so you don’t need to be an expert!


  • Administration area in your BuddyPress profile (access, create, edit, and delete)
  • Status administration
  • Approval workflow
  • Form builder. You can arrange and select the fields however you need – NEW!
  • Individual configuration for each field – NEW!
  • Direct publish workflow
  • TinyMCE editor – NEW!
  • Support for featured image. Drag and drop uploader – NEW!
  • You can set categories and tags using select2 – NEW!
  • BuddyPress notifications when a post is published (for you and your friends)
  • Your post will be listed in your BuddyPress profile.
  • Admin configuration (post per page, excerpt length, show BuddyPress notifications)
  • Ability to turn on/off the edit and delete option
  • Buddypress 2.6.2 compatible
  • Responsive design


  • English (default)
  • Spanish
  • German
  • Dutch
  • Serbo-Croatian
  • Norwegian
  • Catalán
  • Swedish
  • French
  • Slovak
917 posts

About author
Falls down a lot. Extreme beer maven. Coffee trailblazer. Hardcore twitter geek. Typical zombie fanatic. Skydiver, foodie, band member, International Swiss style practitioner and front-end developer. Producing at the nexus of aesthetics and intellectual purity to craft an inspiring, compelling and authentic brand narrative. Let's chat.
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