World News

The Count Down To The End Of The World Begins

7 Mins read

A fool at forty, they say, is a fool forever. I have been on planet Earth for two score-plus years. I have spent more than a third of these in full control of my senses and thinking faculties. I have no claims to wisdom, but I am neither a fool nor an idiot. Life is a serious encounter, and I have lost no part of my slot to frivolities and trivialities. The only real investment I boast about is that I have given my all to evaluating the world I stumbled on by special providence. The only debt I am conscious of is the responsibility to tell the world my opinion of it, which is why I write this piece, although I am not licensed to publicize my views. Peace unto as many as taking no offense at me.

I have listened keenly to the silent but convincing arguments of nature. I have heard the ravings and ranting of humanity. I am aware of the confusion and deception of religion and the bogus assumptions of science. I know of the folly of human governance and the resulting combined impact of all of these on human society, especially in the past century. I have passed my observations through my thought processing machine and have a printout of my opinion of the world, my world view as they say.



The world has about had it, and it’s about time it ended. Anybody who knows anything at all knows that. There are a silent understanding and agreement among such like ones that the world is not only about to end, it has to end. If God delays completing a human will, the world might just decide to complete itself. That, of course, would be terrible! So, the world had the better end as it should by the hand of the one who created it.

How the world ends has been speculated about since Christ’s appearance on the earthly scene some two thousand years ago. The end of the world, however, is not a subject for speculation; the scriptures are explicit on what humanity needs to know  Christ, however, had foretold that our time-the time of the end would be characterized not only by speculations but impostors and the scriptures are bound to be fulfilled. Understandably speculations on the world’s future and impostors are rife.

Before we get carried away by speculative winds, however, let this one fact not escape us: God finds no delight in destroying humans. He, therefore, does not stealthily visit destruction upon them. Every collapse intended destruction of humans by God in the past was preceded by proclamations of clear warning messages of God’s impending judgment; our time is not an exception, for God, indeed, does not change. In the Garden of Eden, God warned Adam and Eve, humanity’s forebears, of the inescapable consequence of eating the forbidden fruit they would die. God’s declaration was unambiguous. Yet the couple ignored the warning, ate the fruit, and invited death upon themselves and generations of their would-be progeny.

Later, God would destroy Noah’s generation in a deluge. But before he did, he warned them well in advance. He had asked Noah, a righteous man,, t,o build an ark foto that preserves households and other forms of life. Noah was also responsible for warning his generation of the impending flood. This Noah did a, although the cork’s construction should have served enough warning. It was a gigantic edifice. Given that it had not rained on the earth before then, it was indeed a phenomenal project, for it took Noah about fifty years to complete its construction, and this at a time when people were not given such elaborate structures Noah’s generation, however, scoffed at all of this even though divine support was evident in the execution of this assignment by Noah. Noah’s uprightness, commitment, dedication to his assigned task,  and the fact that God assisted Noah in bringing the animals designated for preservation and safety into the ark cut no ice on that evil generation. Their destruction was thus deserved and justified.

When God condemned the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah to destruction, he knew they did not deserve a second chance. Yet he patiently allowed interaction with Abraham in intercession for the cities. God was willing to forego his intentions if as few as ten persons were found to be deserving of life in those cities. On the other hand, God did not only save Lot, the righteous one; he rescued him. When his time to destroy the ctownsbecame due and Lot was still lingering, God dispatched angels who came and hustled Lot out of the cities.

Nineveh was another city to incite God’s ire to the point of wanting to devote it to destruction. But although Nineveh was steeped in bloodshed and other disgusting practices, God saw through them and knew that a reprimand should precede their destruction. He sent Jonah to them, but in the eyes of the prophet, the people of Nineveh were unworthy of such a consideration. In his bid to abandon them to God’s adverse judgment, he fled from his prophetic assignment and attempted to escape on board a ship bound for Tarshish.

God, however, created mishaps to thwart Jonah’s escape. He ended up in the belly of a big fish for three whole days and nights until he had had a rethink. The fish would later vomit Jonah to the shore, from whence he returned to his assignment. After that preached at Nineveh,, the people repented in sackcloth and ashes from a king to a domestic animal. God spared them, and when his prophet became disgruntled, he used the occasion to teach him lessons in mercy.

When God adopted the nation of Israel, he warned them of his toleration of no rivalry. He gave them a testament to the effect thof e law mediated by Moses in which he spelled out e consequences of disobedience and the benefit of keeping to his ordinances. The Jews consented to the terms unanimously, but they began to break God’s law even before the ink on which it was inscribed on the tablets had dried. Over time they would carry on in this manner. God repeatedly sent prophets to remind them of their sworn covenant with him,, but they treated God’s prophets insolently and killed some. In his displeasure, God let them intermittently be overcome by their adversaries, a thing God forewarned would happen should they renege. The Jews, however, proved to be a stiff-necked people. Finally, God rejected them as his nation and let them suffer a struction that obliterated them as his people.

Before their final destruction, the Jews were warned by two of God’s most renowned prophets-John the Baptist and Jesus Christ; the Messiah John went ahead of Jesus to prepare the hearts of the Jews to receive the messiah when he arrived. But although the Jews knew John to be a prophet, they paid him little mind. Eventually, Jesus appeared and wanted to gather Jerusalem’s children together for God like a hen gathers her chicks together under her wings. But again, the Jews paid him little heed. Finally, he abandoned them to the consequences of a course they chose for themselves.

In a composite prophecy, Jesus told them of a tribulation that would overtake and sack them as a nation. Jesus words would have a two-fold implication and a two-fold fulfillment. In the first instance, it would affect the Jews who rejected Jesus Christ, the God-sent messiah to them. In the second instance, however, Jesus’ pronouncement would affect the world of humanity that Jesus gave his precious blood in death to save but which would reject Jesus’ representatives in the same manner the Jews rejected and killed Jesus.

The first of these fulfillments occurred in 70 CE when the Roman army sacked Jerusalem in a bloodbath like the Jews had not known before then nor would ever know again. When,, however, would the second fulfillment occur?

Jesus gave no dates concerning the destruction of the Jewish system of things and would give none concerning the end of this world. But there were time and season indicators in this description of developments that would lead to these never-to-occur-again events. Faithful adherents to Jesus’ words read the signs before the destruction of Jerusalem, needed them, and got away safe. Similarly, faithful bible readers in our day may come out of the great tribulation foretold for our time if they watched for the signs and heeded the warnings and direction of Jesus Christ for our day.

As was said at the outset of this write-up, God would not destroy a people, let alone a generation, without adequate warning. The scriptures are replete with warnings for our generation, especially in the prophecies uttered by Jesus Christ. Jesus foretold for our day wars, famines, pestilences, duplicity, lovelessness, etc. The world has seen so much of these, particularly in the last century. While the fulfillment of Jesus Christ’s words in these areas oon such a grand scale isindicateshe the nearness of the world to its foretold end, these features in Jesus’ prophecy sound no clear warning. Most persons without understanding have had to curse God on account of these occurrences even though God is not a native of these things b, ut I,n his foreknowledge f, foretell the consequences of human actions, conduct, and attitudes. However, prophecies foretell the result of human behavior andand what God purposes to accomplish at a given time far ahead of human knowledge and understanding.

In Jesus’ words in Matthew 24:14, we see a prophecy reiterating God’s unchanging desire to warn humanity of the consequences of their action and conduct wto preserve them alive in the face of imminent destruction. It reads: “And this good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come.”

In fulfillment of that scripture, the good news of God’s kingdom has been preached single-handedly by Jehovah’s Witnesses for o a century. The extent to which that scripture will be fulfilled, however, is yet to be seen given what these prophets of God were inspired to write concerning our time: Micah had this to say in chapter four and verse one of the prophecy bearing his name: “And it must occur in the final part of the days that the mountain of the house of Jehovah will become firmly establish above the top of the mountains, and it will certainly be lifted up above the hills, and to it peoples must stream… ”

In the same vein, the prophet Haggai had this to say in chapter two,,  verse seven of the prophecy that bears his name: “And I will rock all the nations, and the desirable things of all the nations must come in,, and I will fill this house with glory, Jehovah of armies has said.” These and more prophecies in the bible point to one thing: a people will elevate Jehovah’s worship above every human institution toward the end of the world in much the same way Moses towered over the pthe pharaoh in Egypt. That people are Jehovah’s witnesses, the last day’s representatives of God,  and going by what those prophecies say, they are yet to be given the recognition they deserve as prGod prescribes. This is understandable becausethe world’s population is trapped in the high walls of the faiths of science, political ideologies, nationalism, bigotry,, and religious confusion.

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Falls down a lot. Extreme beer maven. Coffee trailblazer. Hardcore twitter geek. Typical zombie fanatic. Skydiver, foodie, band member, International Swiss style practitioner and front-end developer. Producing at the nexus of aesthetics and intellectual purity to craft an inspiring, compelling and authentic brand narrative. Let's chat.
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