
How to Create a Blog in 10 Easy Steps

6 Mins read

Step 1: Choose Your Passion

What does passion need to do with it? I need to make money! Well, earning money is probably a good motive for starting a blog, and money CAN be made, but in the end, growing and retaining a blog will ultimately greater your ardor or your riding pressure. Ask yourself this query: “What could I do ordinarily to relax my existence without ever being paid to do it?” Whatever solution you come up with is your ardor. That is what your blog needs to be about; YOUR PASSION. That is what you ought to be blogging about. Write for yourself before you write for a person else. Money and reputation are just icing on the cake.

See, when you first start writing your weblog, there most possibly WILL NOT be any money lower back from its slow funding. Making cash is often a result of long hours invested in gaining subscribers and avid readers and becoming called a “professional.” You could monetize your blog, but how can you make cash without humans studying your weblog? Remember this: THERE ARE NO GET-RICH-QUICK SCHEMES RELATED TO BUILDING AN A+ BLOG!!! Sorry to sprint your dreams; however, if you are searching for the “key” to riches beyond your wildest desires, please cross somewhere else; you won’t locate it right here.


Step 2: Write Down Your Goals

If you write down your goals, the one goal will probably happen. This is because making yourself think about what you want to perform is half of the warfare already received. “Failing to Plan is Planning to Fail.” ~ English Proverb What do you need to accomplish? How are you going to supply your message? When you are completed, what is it going to appear like?


Step 3: Visit Some Other Blogs

Do a few studies and check out what different humans are doing with their blogs. Learn what running a blog is standard. Don’t just look for blogs on your niche but also in widespread. There is much to be discovered from others who have already positioned their blogs. Posts some comments to begin to get a feel of what the complete running a blog method is. While you’re discovering, make sure to bookmark the one’s blogs that you have visited and write down exciting ideas that pop into your head. You might not recall where you have been best a day or earlier.

Step 4: Choose a Blogging Software

They’re a bunch of options while searching out you’re running a blog software program. I might begin with the aid of doing a search on Google for Blogging Software. Don’t be intimidated by the 62,000,000 + results again back to you. 🙂 I will speak approximately WordPress (WordPress.Com) for the scope of the thing. I chose WordPress for my weblog now, not simplest because it’s miles the maximum famous but additionally. After all, it’s miles subsidized through a massive network, has a few beneficial plugins, gives you loads of management, and is easy to use. You can both signup for WordPress or find your hosting issuer to host the weblog. If you are new to blogging, then signing up at WordPress might be your great wager. There are lots of built-in extras, like stats, that tune your traffic, which is beneficial. Best of all, it’s miles FREE!

Step 5: Buy a Domain Name

Buying a site from a site registry that includes GoDaddy will make your weblog seem greater professional. Choose a domain call that suits your blog’s reason and has key phrases in it. For example,ife your weblog is set gardening, choose a site including “MyGardeningBlog.Com” or “My-Gardening-Blog.Com.” The.Com, Internet, Org, and many other extensions aren’t always critical.Com extensions are typically identified because of the default.

Step 6: Customize Your Blog

Customizing your weblog is very smooth with WordPress. If you choose to host your blog with WordPress, you can choose from dozens of pre-established templates. You can also Search Google for added templates, which can be both FREE or low fee for around $forty-five a template. You could add the brand new template to your account if you discover a template not provided with the hosted service’s aid. The manipulate panel that incorporates the hosted carrier may be straightforward to use. You could accomplish that if you are bold enough to alter the template by hand. WordPress is constructed in an internet site scripting language referred to as PHP. If you aren’t acquainted with PHP, this route isn’t always for you. You can discover additional resources online on the WordPress site or using Google seek.

Step 7: Install Helpful Plugins

WordPress is effortlessly expandable using using “Plugins.” Plugins are software created by a 3rd-party developer that accomplishes simple duties and helps you control your Google AdSense (Google.Com/AdSense) ads or back up your WordPress set up. There are many plugins to pick out from, and you can search for them at WordPress.Org.

Step 8: Write Your “About” Page

You can describe the weblog and its reason on an “About” page when you’re geared up. Be as descriptive as possible about the target market and what you will impart in the weblog.

Step 9: Start Posting to Your Blog

This is, without a doubt, the hardest part. If you have done your homework on what your passion became and researched, you probably did some blog posts for your head. Don’t sweat coming up with incredible and remarkable thoughts or difficult essays. Remember the KISS approach and Keep It Simple and Stupid! (OK, I had to break this rule for this article, but you know what I mean…) You need to don’t forget who your target audience is in widespread. Most humans study blogs in preference to other forms of information because they are short and to-the-point snippets of statistics that can be effortlessly digested. I assume that is just regular human conduct in a conventional society. There is too much data on the net and too little time to try and eat it all. Blogs fulfill our normal curiosity like small little squares of chocolate could fulfill our sweet teeth.

Step 10: Marketing (and perhaps Monetizing) Your Blog

Since you have been blogging your little coronary heart away, would it not be fine if humans examine it? Here are some methods, among many, to move approximately advertising your blog. Google Website Submittal (http://www.Google.Com/addurl) lets you effortlessly add your new blog (or website) to Google. I also propose you publish to Yahoo, AltaVista, and other seek engines or directories you may discover.

Google AdSense and AdWords – AdWords lets you advertise on Google, and AdSense allows you to show blog commercials that match your content material. If any site visitors on your blog click on the advertisements, you get paid for it. What a concept!! Be positive to check the alternative advised associates and advert networks under this blog’s “Money Makers” phase.

Google Sitemap – This is a FREE plugin for WordPress that you can set up to create a Google Sitemap of your blog that may be used to allow your blog to be higher listed with the aid of Google.

FeedBurner – Another FREE plugin and carrier that allows you to do some, without a doubt, neat things with your blog’s feed. The feed of your blog is what allows someone to enroll in your blog. It is a document that includes all of your posts in a selected record layout referred to as RSS that an “aggregator” (or “feed reader”) consisting of Google Reader can read and preserve music. You could apply an aggregator because it continues the tune of the one-of-a-kind blog feeds you have subscribed to and lets you study those weblog feeds all in one vicinity. Although you do not want FeedBurner to allow your weblog to be subscribed to, it has some virtually wonderful functions you wish to check out.

Comments – Visit numerous blogs and enroll in them. Try to be the primary to leave a comment with a link to your weblog.

Forums – Forums are the equal way. Just be careful about leaving a remark about the thread and not merely looking to market it to your weblog.

Signatures – When you go away, comment, or ship an email, ensure you operate a signature that your weblog deals with.

Write Articles – Turn your weblog posts into an improved article that you can place on an academic or eZine (Electronic or Online Magazine) website consisting of EzineArticles.Com. Make sure to add a hyperlink back to your blog. Word of Mouth – Don’t neglect to tell the humans about your new weblog and update them on what happens. Ask them to emerge as subscribers to your weblog.

Social Networks – If you’ve got an account with a social networking internet site such as LinkedIn, Facebook, or Twitter, you may automatically set up your account to enroll in your weblog.

917 posts

About author
Falls down a lot. Extreme beer maven. Coffee trailblazer. Hardcore twitter geek. Typical zombie fanatic. Skydiver, foodie, band member, International Swiss style practitioner and front-end developer. Producing at the nexus of aesthetics and intellectual purity to craft an inspiring, compelling and authentic brand narrative. Let's chat.
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